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Stomp Ethos

Coffee is everything.
Explore the origins!


The Stomp Blend

San Marco — Hondura
Mantiqiueira — Brazil
Sidamo — Ethiopia

featured roasters

Community Coffee
Twin Peaks

Weird flex?

Maybe, but we are all about the bean and the story that surrounds it.

The Stomp vision is to capture that in our own way.  

A great coffee is determined by where the beans are grown, who grows them, how they get to use, how it is roasted, how it is brewed.

Each week we roast our house blend and single origins to be enjoyed as filter and espresso. We also invite new roasters from around Western Australia to show our customers the type of offering every origin can have.

We care a lot about the coffee we serve, and the path it’s traveled. So much so, we only purchase specialty grade, ethically sourced, and sustainably farmed beans.